A Project by Anas Mohamed

<aside> 💡 This project falls under the Chimppen project - a collection of web-based interactive tutorials I'm developing.


Shell Ninja - Learn the basics of the CLI through an interactive tutorial | Product Hunt


Shell programs can be intimidating for newcomers who might want to use them in their workflow. The resources for learning to use shell programs, while reliable, consist of long boring articles/docs with low-quality screenshots for demos. This doesn't make the experience any less intimidating and can sometimes be discouraging.


A web-based interactive tutorial that is designed to teach beginners the basics of using shell programs. It would do so by teaching the user the basic commands of Bash - the Unix shell. This knowledge can then be easily transferred to other shell programs and tools.

<aside> 🙃 Shell Ninja also happens to be my first product on Product Hunt.


Initial Wireframe


The tutorial is would have two columns, one with the lesson and one with the interactive shell, which the user would use to try out what they've learned.